Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 25 - 27 Sep 2020
- Time: All Day

ReefClean – Green Island Clean-up
Join Tangaroa Blue and ReefClean as we clean-up stunning Green Island, a tropical paradise that sits within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. This coral cay is unique in that it has a rainforest growing on it that is home to over 120 native plant species and colourful birdlife.
With the support of our friends at Green Island Resort and Great Adventures, we can once again offer our volunteers free ferry transfers from Cairns Marina to the island.
Email Jules at jules@tangaroablue.org to book your spot now. There are only limited places available and you must be registered to get a ticket so we apologise to anyone that misses out this time.
We will meet at 8 am sharp outside the Reef Fleet Terminal in Cairns and return in the afternoon.
You will need to wear appropriate sun-safe clothing and bring a reusable water bottle and snacks to get you through the morning. After the clean-up and debris auditing, there will be some time for a snorkel so pack your snorkelling gear and we are on the cusp of stinger season, so bring a stinger suit (mandatory if you want to jump in the water)
ReefClean is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and delivered by Tangaroa Blue Foundation. The Green Island Clean-up is supported by Great Adventure Cruises, Green Island Resort, and Reef Cruises.