An initiative to help drive behavioural change among smokers around the Great Barrier Reef
Join the Ditch the Flick campaign today!
By joining our Ditch the Flick campaign, you’re showing your support for reducing cigarette butt litter and backing a better way of disposing of cigarette butts.
Get in touch for more information.
Take a look at how Ditch the Flick is already being implemented through regional Source Reduction Plans.
With single-use plastic items plaguing the Great Barrier Reef, in May 2023, we ran an online ReefClean Source Reduction Plan Workshop looking at how to prevent litter, such as cigarette butts, from ending up in the environment.
We are focusing on helping smokers Ditch the Flick because the Australian Marine Debris Initiative Database shows cigarette butts are one of the many items of single-use plastic litter impacting the reef and waterways across Australia.
We also know that even when cigarette butt bins are available, smokers continue to flick cigarette butts.
The easiest way to show your support for the campaign is to display the Ditch the Flick imagery on your social channels and if you smoke, simply dispose of your butts in a bin and – Ditch the Flick.
We need venues and councils to help change the behaviour of smokers by encouraging them to bin their butts. To get involved:
- Email reefclean@tangaroablue.org to get campaign assets
- Display the campaign messaging at your venue or a hotspot in your council area
- Offer pocket butt bins to customers when you can
Social media resources: