We are the creators and coordinators of the Australian Marine Debris Initiative – the only national platform supporting volunteers, industry, government and communities in resolving the marine debris issue. We have a big blue vision for the future of Australia’s oceans, and we’d like you to be a part of it.

Other ways to donate to Tangaroa Blue Foundation
- Download the Donation Form and send to
- Shop at our online Sea Store for sustainable products and clothes. All money from your purchases goes straight back into Tangaroa Blue projects
- Donate to us at no extra cost whilst shopping online via Shopnate. Hundreds of famous retailers give a percentage of the cost of your purchase to a charity of your choice.
As an Australian Registered Charity with Australian Donor Gift Recipient Status and approved for U.S. Tax Deductible donations through CAF America, we have many opportunities for you to get on board to protect our oceans.
Help Protect our Oceans
Remember all donations made are 100% tax deductible and every little bit counts towards protecting our oceans!
Your gift will directly contribute to:
- Marine debris clean-ups across Australia
- AMDI Database, providing evidence for action
- Stop waste at its source, before it reaches the ocean
- Prevention of microplastics leaks from industry polluters
- Ghost net recovery and recycling