Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 01 Oct 2020
  • Time: 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Eurimbula Creek Camping Area, 574 Captain Cook Dr, Seventeen Seventy, QLD, 4677, Australia
QR Code


02 Oct 2020


8:00 am - 10:30 am

ReefClean – Bustard Bay

Join ReefClean as we conduct our twice-yearly beach clean-up on Eurimbula Beach in beautiful Bustard Bay.
When: Friday 2nd October 8am – 10:30am
Where: Eurimbula Creek Camping Area
What: We will meet at the shelter area of the campground at 8 am for registration and then proceed to remove debris from the beach area in front of the camping ground. We will then return to the 1770 Cultural Festival, where we will sort and count the debris to be entered into the AMDI Database
Please bring your own refillable water bottle.
How to get there: The link below takes you to a map of the campground. The Eurimbula Creek camping area is inEurimbula National Park, 14km west of Agnes Water. You can access the camping area by high-clearance 4WD vehicle

From the Agnes Water township, follow Round Hill Road south-west for 10.5km, Turn right into Eurimbula Road and travel 3.4km to the park boundary, Drive 2.3km and continue straight on Eurimbula Road, The camping area is 8km along this road, at the end of a sand track.

ReefClean is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust with support from Tangaroa Blue Foundation.