Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Singapore
- Date: 01 Aug 2019
- Time: 6:00 am - 3:00 pm

ReefClean – Cape Kimberley Clean-up, Daintree QLD
Join ReefClean!
Cape Kimberley Clean-up
When: 12th of October 2019 @ 8:30am to 3pm
Pick-up Locations for a free shuttle bus from Cairns and Port Douglas (bookings essential – limited spots): (a) Tobruk Swim Pool bus stop (b) Smithfield bus stop (c) IGA Port Douglas
Join our team on Saturday the 12th of October for our on-going, quarterly clean-up at Cape Kimberley, located on the northern side of the Daintree River in beautiful Far North QLD.
We’ll be meeting at the Cape Kimberley beach access at 8:30am. We will be providing transportation in a mini bus that will drive up from Cairns stopping at 3 pick-up locations:
– Tobruk Swimming Pool bus stop, Cairns @ 6am
– Smithfield bus stop, Cairns @ 6.15am
– IGA Port Douglas @ 7.15am
Please arrive at the allocated 15 minutes prior to pick up time and book your spot quick as limited seats are available. Please advise which location/time you’d like a pick-up and drop-off.
To find out more information / to book a seat or to register / sign up for ferry pass across the Daintree River – please email reefclean@tangaroablue.org
We will provide extra drinking water, snacks and lunch, sunscreen, all clean-up equipment including gloves and other safety gear.
Volunteers are asked to wear enclosed shoes, wear sun smart clothing, hats and sunnies, and please bring a reusable water bottle and a packed some extra snacks if you like.
ReefClean is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and delivered by Tangaroa Blue Foundation.
The Cape Kimberley Clean-up is supported by the Douglas Shire Council and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service.