Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 23 - 24 May 2024
- Time: 7:00 pm - 1:30 am

AUSMAP ReefClean Training Day – Cairns, QLD
About The Training
Learn about AUSMAP and participate in this full-day training and accreditation workshopon the field sampling methodology for collecting, sorting and identifying microplastics.
JoinAUSMAP ProgramDirector Dr Michelle Blewitt and AUSMAP Projects and Events ManagerTayla Shawto become an accreditedAUSMAP Ambassador.
* Gain abroaderenvironmental awareness on the issue of plastics and deeper insight into the microplastic problem
* What are microplastics, where we can find them in our local community, and how AUSMAP is helping to reduce this problem, along with your help!
* Learn about the current state of affairs across Australia and how we can manage these issues
*Gain hands-on experience by undertaking a scientific microplastic sample along a localshoreline – contributing to data collection that will be added to national microplastic database and hotspot map
*Field sampling will be followed bya practical accreditation in the afternoon session, an essential part of the official AUSMAP program – on completion, you will become an accredited AUSMAP Ambassador
* Program is directly linked to the Australian curriculum so great for educators – resources available to trained ambassadors (PD available for trained teachers)
When: Friday 24th May @ 08:45am (meeting) for 09:00 am start; finish approximately 3:30 pm
Expert:Dr Michelle Blewitt(Program Director) and Tayla Shaw(AUSMAP Project and Events manager)
Venue:Yorkeys Knob Boating Club,29 Buckley St, Yorkeys Knob
This is training is suited for educators, members of council, sustainability officers, retirees, community members – suitable for14+ years
A lightmorning tea will be provided,but please bring your ownlunch.BYOreusable coffee cup and water bottle.Please, no single-use plastics!
LIMITED PLACES, PLEASE BOOK ASAP by 22nd May 2023 – Register here
ReefClean is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and is delivered by Tangaroa Blue Foundation, AUSMAP and ReefClean partners.
Event will be photographed for media purposes.
About the AUSMAP Program
It’s hard to solve a problem you can’t see.Until recently microplastic pollution presentedscientists with a crisis that wasinvisible to the naked eye. Now we have AUSMAP – the Australian Microplastic Assessment Project.
AUSMAP is a global first, nationwide citizen science that engages and educates the community to collect scientifically reliable data on microplastics from shorelines across the country – from coasts to catchments – to identify litter hotspots and assist in source reduction.
AUSMAP is a powerful management tool that forms the basis to develop and implement regional litter prevention strategies for stakeholders to use, and act on.
We need to know how much is out there before we figure outwhat to do with it. And we need large numbers of Australians to engage with behaviour change so we can stopany more plastic from entering our waterways and design effective mitigation strategies.
That’s why we need you in our AUSMAP collaborative citizen science project!
What is the cost of the Training Day?
The cost of this AUSMAP Training day is free for participants. This training day is funded by ReefClean.ReefClean is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and is delivered by Tangaroa Blue Foundation, AUSMAP and ReefClean partners.
Donations to support the ongoing development and delivery of AUSMAP are greatly appreciated.
All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.
What do I need to bring?
*You will be required to collect water as part of the field sampling, so please bringwaterproof shoes
* Rain jacket and/or sun protection, including hat and sunscreen
* Notebook and pen
* Reusable water bottle and coffee cup
What obligation do I have after I complete the AUSMAP Training Program?
**As you register, you will complete theAUSMAP Collaborator Agreement questions**
As a registered AUSMAP Collaborator, you need to agree to the following:
1) Where possible, complete sampling 4 times per year in a proposed location;
2) Follow our AUSMAP methodology, using our field kit & equipment, send datasheets and microplastic samples to AUSMAP for further analysis;
3) Promote the AUSMAP program with your local community;
4) AUSMAP methodology, sampling, data and namecannot be used for profit; and
5) The materials and training provided are restricted to providingeducation and data collection to organisations that are not gaining financially – the program can not be taught or used without prior agreement with AUSMAP (refer to Collaborator Agreement);
For more information, please contactevents@ausmap.org
Look forward to seeing you!