Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 24 May 2024
- Time: 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

AUSMAP ReefClean Community Day – Cairns, QLD
Interested in learning more about microplastics around Australia & the impact on humans & the environment?
Come and participate in our AUSMAP Scientist for a Day program!
What will you Learn?
* How microplastics affects our aquatic environment, wildlife and us.
* What are microplastics and where we can find them in our local community?
* How AUSMAP is helping to reduce this problem, along with your help!
* Gain hands-on experience and be a scientist for the morning -helpcollect a microplastic survey for AUSMAPs database.
Experts:Dr Michelle Blewitt(Program Director) and Tayla Shaw(AUSMAP Project and Events manager)
Location: Cairns – Palm Cove
This community day issupported byReefClean which is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and is delivered by Tangaroa Blue Foundation.
About the Program
It’s hard to solve a problem you can’t see – until recently, microplastic pollution presentedscientists with a crisis that wasinvisible to the naked eye. Now we have AUSMAP -Australian Microplastic Assessment Project.
By translating data into vivid maps of plastic pollution hotspots all over Australia, AUSMAP makes it easy for everyone to see the scale & nature of this growing problem.We need to know how much is out there before we figure outwhat to do with it and find effective ways to mitigate this issue!
AUSMAP is a nationwide citizen science program that aims to quantify microplastic pollution, with the primary goals of identifying litter hotspots and assisting in source reduction. The program educates, engages and empowers citizens of all ages to identify microplastic hotspots, finds effective remediation strategies.
Bring your friends and your family – this community event is for people of all ages! Register here.