Ex-tropical Cyclone Ann brought with her unseasonal rain as she crossed the...
About AMDI
The Australian Marine Debris Initiative ® (AMDI) is a network where everyone can be involved in both the removal of marine debris and finding solutions to stop the flow of rubbish into our oceans
The Australian Marine Debris Initiative
The Australian Marine Debris Initiative is a network of communities, schools, industries, government agencies and individuals focused on reducing the amount of marine debris washing into our oceans.
On every beach around Australia you will find some form of marine debris, from litter left by visitors to international debris, to ghost nets or rubbish washed from far inland through stormwater drains.
The statistics are horrifying with the United Nationals’ Regional Seas Program estimating more than 40,000 pieces of plastic in each square kilometre of ocean; and other research estimating more than 11 million tonnes of debris entering the world’s oceans each year. The majority of this debris is plastic, which due to its chemical makeup is a long lasting material.
Once released into the environment, plastics never biodegrade, instead photodegrading breaking into smaller and smaller pieces of the original item, forever remaining in the environment.
The Australian Marine Debris Initiative is a way that everyone can become involved in both the removal of marine debris and finding solutions to stop the flow of rubbish into our oceans.
Find out how you can volunteer on one of our monitoring clean-ups, or take a look at our latest AMDI insights.
The Australian Marine Debris Initiative FEATURES AND SERVICES:
- Free Data Collection App
- Data Collection Methodologies
- Free Data Repository
- Resources
- Education and Awareness
- Workshops and Presentations
- Data for Research and Analysis
- Project Management App
- Project Administration Software
- Technical Advice for Project Management
If you are interested in joining the Australian Marine Debris Initiative or finding out more send us an email to info@tangaroablue.org
Clean-up Sites
Tonnes Removed
Items Removed
Clean-up Drives