We are delighted to announce our recent success at the 41st Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria Tidy Towns & Cities Sustainability Awards. We were honoured to win the Litter Category award with our Let’s Strain the Drains project!
The Let’s Strain the Drains Project is a Victorian-first initiative focused on monitoring marine debris. Special stormwater drain traps have been deployed to capture marine litter prior to its entry into our waterways. The collected items will be categorised and quantified, contributing data to the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI) Database. This data aids in pinpointing information about the origins and spread of litter that typically flows from urban areas through the stormwater system.
We want to extend a massive THANK YOU to Jane, our Melbourne Project Coordinator for accepting this award on behalf of Tangaroa Blue and for her outstanding work in ensuring the project’s success and acknowledge all our wonderful partners who participated in this project.
Pipe Management Australia, the City of Wyndham, City of Hobsons Bay, City of Melbourne, City of Kingston, City of Maribyrnong, City of Moreland, City of Greater Dandenong and Vicinity Centres. We also would like to thank all the volunteers that assisted in the auditing of the litter collected in the stormwater drain traps.
The Let’s Strain the Drains project was supported by the Victorian Government’s Recycling Victoria Communities Fund.