Healthy Water Regional Report Cards outline the condition of freshwater, estuarine, inshore and offshore marine ecosystems in their region, and report regionally on social, cultural and economic health and stewardship. For the first time ever, data from the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI) Database and the ReefClean program has been included in the annual Regional Report Cards and we’re super excited to see the results!
Regional report card partnerships are one of a number of activities under the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan and are funded by both the Australian and Queensland governments. They bring together government and local communities including Traditional Owners, industry, farmers and fishers, scientists, tourism operators and conservation groups who have a shared vision for healthy waterways in their region. Each partnership produces an annual report card that outlines the condition of waterways in their region.
Data provided by the AMDI and ReefClean program is vital in guiding management decisions around actions to improve water quality with regards to marine debris and litter all along the Great Barrier Reef. On the report cards you will find the areas that have been cleaned as well as their respective site specific scores, all information provided by the AMDI Network and ReefClean monitoring activities.
The Dry Tropics report card was launched last week and can be viewed here
The Mackay-Whitsunday-Isaac Healthy Rivers to Reef Partnership report card will be released in a couple of weeks time, followed by the Wet Tropics Healthy Waterways Partnership, Fitzroy Partnership for River Health and Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership.
Find out more by visiting this site: Regional report cards | Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan (