Ship4Good x Tangaroa Blue
In a new collaboration with Ship4Good, Tangaroa Blue Foundation will board the MV Steve Irwin on a ground-breaking mission to remove and prevent marine debris on the Great Barrier Reef.

ReefClean sets sail to combat marine debris on the Great Barrier Reef.
In a new partnership with Ship4Good, Tangaroa Blue will set sail on the MV Steve Irwin to supercharge efforts to tackle marine debris on the Great Barrier Reef.
From 2025, Tangaroa Blue will be on board the MV Steve Irwin leading marine debris education, awareness and clean-up missions across the Queensland. The ship will act as a hub for the 2025 ReefClean program, facilitating the collection of cutting-edge marine debris data for entry into the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI) Database, hosting scientific research and community outreach activities and bringing education and awareness programs to remote areas.
Watch our announcement on board the ship.
UPDATE 25th March: Securing the Future of the MV Steve Irwin
A message from Tangaroa Blue Foundation CEO – Heidi Tait.
The MV Steve Irwin has long been a symbol of unwavering dedication to ocean conservation, carrying the legacy of countless crew members who have fought to protect our marine ecosystems. As we move forward with plans to reactivate this iconic vessel, we recognise the importance of ensuring its safety, functionality, and long-term success.
After a thorough review of operations, we have determined that additional time is needed to strengthen the governance, build a dedicated team, and secure the necessary resources to bring the Steve back to sea with the professionalism and impact it deserves. This is a significant undertaking, and we are committed to doing it right.
Both organisations involved are working together to establish a robust management framework that will sustain future campaigns, with a particular focus on ocean conservation efforts in the Great Barrier Reef and along our northern coastline. Tangaroa Blue remains deeply committed to the Steve’s future, honouring its past while ensuring its legacy continues for years to come.
We appreciate the ongoing support of our community and will keep everyone updated as we take the necessary steps to return this incredible ship to its rightful place—defending our oceans.
The MV Steve Irwin, once equipped, will have the capacity to remove up to 50 tonnes of debris from the Reef on each mission, supercharging our efforts to prevent and remove marine debris. The ship can be utilised to facilitate:
- Remote site monitoring
- Large-scale clean-ups
- Remote marine debris removal
- Community capacity building
- Disaster management clean-ups
- At-port educational activities
- School and community engagement activities
- AMDI Data analysis
- Microplastics surveys
- Innovative research projects
The History of the MV Steve Irwin

Support Tangaroa Blue Foundation’s fight against marine debris
Every dollar you donate will directly contribute to our mission of removing and preventing marine debris across the GBR and Australia.
Together, we can make a difference. Support Tangaroa Blue Foundation today and help us protect our oceans for current and future generations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Stay tuned in to our social media accounts for the latest developments as preparations for the 2025 collaboration program and tour begin.
Time is running out to tackle the influx and impacts of marine debris in our oceans. Expanding Tangaroa Blue’s existing work to include the MV Steve Irwin is one way to take action on a greater scale.
Through this partnership with Ship4Good, Tangaroa Blue will change the way we tackle marine debris in the Indo-Pacific region, with the potential to reach more remote locations, enhance international awareness and continue to build one of the biggest repositories of marine debris data on earth – the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI) Database. The AMDI is currently contributed to by over 3,000 community groups, organisations, industry, and government bodies and is rapidly growing.
Tangaroa Blue Foundation is an Australian not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the removal and prevention of marine debris. Founded in 2004, Tangaroa Blue coordinates the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI), a national program that empowers communities, businesses, and government bodies to clean-up and monitor marine environments. Through its data-driven approach, Tangaroa Blue works to identify the sources of marine debris and develop solutions to prevent pollution at its source.
Ship4Good is a non-profit organisation, founded by Kerrie Goodall to “Save the Steve”. Ship4Good successfully saved the MV Steve Irwin from being scrapped and obtained historic vessel status from the Australian Maritime Museum, further recognising the vessel’s significance to the Australian people. Ship4Good is now partnering with Tangaroa Blue Foundation to give the ship a new mission to enhance Tangaroa Blue’s missions to build awareness and capacity in communities, and to remove and prevent marine debris.
There are several impactful ways you can get involved in supporting our 2025 marine debris campaigns:
Donate: Your contribution will directly fund the preparation and outfitting of MV Steve Irwin’s marine debris mission with the necessary equipment for remote clean-ups, research, and capacity-building efforts in local communities. Every dollar helps us make a tangible impact on protecting our oceans.
Share the mission: Spread the word about the MV Steve Irwin’s 2025 mission. Help us raise awareness by sharing updates and encouraging others to support our work. The more people who know about the mission, the bigger the impact we can have together.
Become a partner: If you’re part of an organisation or business, consider partnering with us. There are opportunities for collaboration that can provide critical support for the ship’s journey and the mission’s success.
Attend our events: Watch the movements of this historic vessel and attend events and working bees when these come to a port near you. Sign up for our newsletter for the latest updates.