Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 25 - 27 Oct 2023
- Time: 4:30 pm - 3:00 am

Woolanmaroo Beach Community Clean-Up
What: Woolanmaroo Beach Community Clean-up
When: 26th-27th October, 2023
Where: Woolanmaroo Beach, north of Russel Heads, East Russel, QLD 4861
To register: Please contact Mathilde at mathilde@tangaroablue.org
Staff will be travelling from Cairns on the 25th of October, please let us know if you would like transport. Local volunteers are strongly encouraged to join.
Join Tangaroa Blue Foundation and Madjandji Aboriginal Corporation in cleaning up Woolanmaroo Beach!
This is a site that the Tangaroa Blue team have been eager to visit due to its high debris load, and we now have the opportunity to free the coastline of marine debris.
We will meet at Deeral Boat Ramp at 6:30am on the 26th of October for a 2-day clean-up event, where we will proceed to collect as much marine debris off of the beach as we can. This will then be sorted, counted and entered into the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI) Database.
The clean-up data you collect will help us track litter to its source and prevent it from entering waterways and harming our Great Barrier Reef.
Volunteers need to wear enclosed shoes, bring sun/rain protection, and plenty of drinking water (1 to 2 litres is recommended). We try to ensure that all events are free from single-use plastic, so bring along your reusable water bottle. All equipment, lunch and drinking water top-ups will be provided.
A huge thank you to Madjandji Aboriginal Corporation Rangers for their support of this event.
ReefClean is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and delivered by Tangaroa Blue Foundation.