Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 02 Nov 2020
- Time: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

What’s down Our Drains Litter Trap Audit – Rockhampton
What: What’s down Our Drains Litter Trap Audit – Rockhampton
Where: Fitzroy Basin Association (BFBA) Flow Centre, cnr East & Denham Streets, Rockhampton
When: Tuesday 3rd November from 8am – 12 noon
To register: Please email Bethlea.Bell@fba.org.au
The What’s Down Our Drains project has seen a number of at-source litter traps, known as Drain Buddies, installed in hotspot locations around Rockhampton. The purpose of this project is to prevent and identify land-based sources of marine debris polluting Rockhampton’s waterways and the iconic Great Barrier Reef. Understanding the type of litter helps us put in place strategies to reduce its release into the environment in the first place.
You’re invited to assist the Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA) with the next round of Drain Buddy audits in Rockhampton. Any time you can assist will be appreciated, from 30 minutes to the whole morning.
What to wear: closed in shoes, ideally long pants and long-sleeved shirt, gloves provided
BYO: water bottle, own gloves if preferred
Refreshments available throughout the morning and COVID safety measures in place
Induction, PPE and necessary training will be provided on the day
Please note that as this event is not organised by Tangaroa Blue, any changes in dates and times are out of our control and we ask that you keep in touch with the organisers directly.
To register your attendance please email Bethlea.Bell@fba.org.au
The What’s Down Our Drains program has been initiated as part of the Local Action Community Reef Protection Grant, funded by the partnership between the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. The program is delivered by Fitzroy Basin Association Inc. (FBA) and Tangaroa Blue Foundation with support from the Local Marine Advisory Committees.