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  • Timezone: Asia/Singapore
  • Date: 09 - 11 Oct 2020
  • Time: All Day


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10 - 11 Oct 2020


All Day

West Australia Beach Clean-up 2020

Calling all ocean lovers – the 2020 WA Beach Clean-up event registration is now open!
Now in its 16th year, this special event in the Tangaroa Blue Foundation calendar is open for registration and seeking your assistance.
If you are a keen citizen scientist, a school or community group, part of a family or workplace team or just love the ocean and want to help out, we need you for the WA Beach Clean-up!
Last year, over1,000 volunteers from families, community, school and business groups registered to participate. These included one-person clean-ups to large groups of all ages at 110 sites across the State, from the remote Banjal Beach in the north Kimberley to Kanidal Beach on the South Coast.
Can you help us make 2020 our biggest event ever?
It costs nothing to participate and all materials, volunteer insurance, and logistical support is provided.
Register now and get involved – just follow these four easy steps:
Step 1: Choose a favourite beach, river, or waterway that needs a clean-up and register your site byclicking here. If you’d like to join an existing clean-up as a volunteer,click here.
Step 2: Enlist your friends, family or workmates to help for a few hours at your clean-up site sometime over the October 10-11 weekend.
Step 3: Await your clean-up and data recording kit delivery (late September – early October) and follow the advice to get your team ready for action!
Step 4: On the day, collect and audit marine debris, record data for upload later or use the AMDIdata appto record directly into the Tangaroa Blue Australian Marine Debris InitiativeDatabase.
Contact: Maureen Maher 0429 378 379 E:wabcu@tangaroablue.org