Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 26 - 28 May 2023
  • Time: 6:30 pm - 3:00 am


QR Code


27 - 28 May 2023


8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Waibene and Muralag Island Clean-ups

Join Tangaroa Blue, Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) and Kaurareg Native Title Aboriginal Corporation for a weekend of beach-cleans.
Join for 1 or both!
Waibene (Thursday) Island
Help clean up Sadies Beach, Bach Beach and Waterfront.
DATE: Saturday 27th May 2023
MEET: At the Bowls Club, 8:30am
WHAT TO BRING: Water bottle (drinking water provided), covered shoes and sun protection
REGISTER: ebony@tangaroablue.org
Volunteer BBQ provided at 2:00pm.

Muralag (Prince of Wales) Island
All the community is welcome to help clean-up Long Beach.
DATE: Sunday 28th May 2023
WHAT TO BRING: Water bottle (drinking water provided), covered shoes and sun protection
REGISTER/MORE INFORMATION: ebony@tangaroablue.org
Lunch will be provided.
Please note this is a COVID Safe Event – we do require volunteers to register by emailing info@tangaroablue.org. Please ensure that you check the latest QLD Government COVID requirements -https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19. If you feel unwell, please don’t attend and stay at home, we’ll catch you at a future event.