Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 18 Apr 2018
- Time: 3:00 am - 6:00 am

Townsville Source Reduction Plan Workshop – QLD
You’re invited!
Join us to help find ways to stop the flow of rubbish into our waterways andthe Great Barrier Reef! Source reduction plan workshops connect passionate people and help the community tackle litter at the source.
This workshop will be a follow up from the one that was held last year to see what projects have been developed, how they are going and what we would like to focus on next!
Everyone is invited – local government, schools & teachers, local business and community members and organisations – marine debris and litter is a complex problem so we need all parts of our community to help find the solutions!
Tea & coffee provided. Numbers are strictly limited, so registrations are essential.
If you have any questions, email: info@tangaroablue.org
This workshop is organised in collaboration with Tangaroa Blue Foundation, NQ Dry Tropics with funding through the Australian Government’s Community Heritage Icon grant program.
Ticket URL: Visit our Eventbrite link to register
Location: NQ Dry Tropics, 12 Wills St, Townsville City QLD 4810
Date: 18th April, 2018 5pm – 8pm
RSVP: 12th April 2018