Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 25 Jun 2020
- Time: 2:00 am - 3:00 am

ReefClean Youth Forum, Grades 2-4 – The Problem of Marine Debris
Families and young learners in grades 2-4 are invited to join our educational presentations: “The Problem of Marine Debris.”
ReefClean is a project to remove and reduce marine debris impacting the Great Barrier Reef through direct action and education. Marine debris can harm marine life, pose a navigational hazard, smother coral, and negatively affect tourism. As part of our five-year ReefClean project, we would like you to take part by joining this interactive session where we will discuss the following questions:
What is marine debris and where does it come from?
Why does it matter?
How do we know what rubbish is causing problems?
What can you do to help reduce marine debris and protect the reef in your region?
The presentation is scheduled for Thursday, 25/06/2020, and is being offered in two sessions – one for schools and one for families.
School presentation at 1:30 pm
Home viewing option at 4pm
Please register to join via Eventbrite. The presentation will be held virtually via Zoom. All information will be sent out once you have registered. For more information, email info@tangaroablue.org. We look forward to seeing you there.
ReefClean is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust.