Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 25 Jun 2021
- Time: 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm

ReefClean – Weary Bay – Cape York, QLD
What: Weary Bay Beach Clean-Up
Where: Weary Bay, Bloomfield
When: 26th June 2021 | 9am-1pm (please note if you’re coming with us from Cairns/Port Douglas we will be leaving on the 25th and camping at the Bloomfield Beach Camp the night before)
To Register: Please email mathilde@tangaroablue.org
Join the Dabu Jajikal Aboriginal Corporation and the ReefClean team from Tangaroa Blue Foundation to clean-up Weary Bay in Bloomfield!
We will be taking a small team of volunteers up in the bus from Cairns/Port Douglas and camping the night at Bloomfield Beach Campground. On the 26th we will head to Weary Bay for a formal Welcome and Smoking Ceremony from the Dabu Jajikal People, Traditional Custodians of the Land and Sea Country we will be working on.
We will spend the morning removing marine debris from the beach before sorting and recording it into the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI) Database. Information collected for the Database is then used to trace the debris to the source and work with stakeholders to prevent it from entering the environment in the first place.
Anyone is welcome to join us on this clean-up! Please just let us know in advance if you’re going to join us on site so that we can cater for everyone’s lunch. For those that need a lift from Cairns/Port Douglas, please register by emailing mathilde@tangaroablue.org.
Volunteers need to wear enclosed shoes, bring sun/rain protection, and plenty of drinking water (1 to 2 litres is recommended). We try to ensure that all events are free from single-use plastic, so bring along your reusable water bottle. All equipment and drinking water top-ups will be provided.
ReefClean is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust.
Please note this is a COVID Safe Event – we do require volunteers to register by emailing mathilde@tangaroablue.org. Please ensure that you check the latest advice from the QLD Government on COVID-19 and social distancing guidelinesand if you feel unwell – please don’t attend and stay at home – we’ll catch you on another event later in the year