Local Time

  • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Date: 18 Jun 2019
  • Time: 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Queens Beach Hotel, 101 Golf Links Road, Bowen, QLD, 4805, Australia
QR Code


19 Jun 2019


9:00 am - 1:00 pm

ReefClean Source Reduction Plan Workshop – Bowen, QLD

Join ReefClean!
The Tangaroa Blue Foundation invites you to join the ReefClean Source Reduction Plan Workshop in Bowen.
What is a Source Reduction Plan?
If all we do is clean up, that’s all we’ll ever do. This Source Reduction Plan workshop invites community members, local businesses, school representatives and government representatives to assist in the development of a local plan that stops litter at its source. Everyone is welcome and you don’t have to have experience in this field, just an interest in protecting our local environment and the Great Barrier Reef.
Once you have good baseline data from a clean-up site, you can use this data to create an understanding of what are the most common items being found and where they might be coming from. This enables individuals and communities to engage with all likely stakeholders and partners to create a strategy that would stop those items collected from ever entering the environment in the first place.
Using data collected in the Australian Marine Debris Initiative Database (AMDI) from local clean-ups, this workshop will identify an item that is prevalent in the region and attendees will work together to create a plan to address it.
The workshop will be held at Queens Beach Hotel, 101 Golf Links Rd.
Wednesday the 19th of June, 2019, with lunch provided after the workshop.
To register, please visit: https://reefcleansrpbowen.eventbrite.com.au. For inquiries, please email info@tangaroablue.org
ReefClean is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust.