Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 02 - 03 Nov 2023
- Time: 7:00 pm - 3:00 am

ReefClean: Snapper Island Clean-up
What: Snapper Island Clean-up
Where: Meet at Cape Kimberley carpark
When: Friday 3rd November, 9am
To Register: Please email lucy@tangaroablue.org to register your interest.
Volunteers need to wear enclosed shoes, bring sun/rain protection, and plenty of
drinking water (1 to 2 litres is recommended)
Volunteers need to be fit and comfortable on small boats.
We try to ensure that all events are free from single-use plastic, so bring along your reusable water bottle.
All equipment and drinking water top-ups will be provided.
Please note this is a COVID Safe Event – we do require volunteers to register. Please email
lucy@tangaroablue.org to register your interest.
Please ensure that you check the latest QLD Government COVID requirements. If you feel unwell, please do not attend and stay at home, we’ll catch you at a future event.
ReefClean is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and delivered by Tangaroa Blue Foundation.