Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 16 Jun 2021
  • Time: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm


QR Code


17 Jun 2021


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

ReefClean – Shelly Beach Clean-up – Townsville, QLD

What: Shelly Beach Clean-up – Townsville, QLD
Where: Meet at 5 Marlow St, Palleranda
When: 17th June 2021 at 8am
To Register: Please email craig@tangaroablue.org

The ReefClean team from Tangaroa Blue Foundation will once again be heading around to the far end of Cape Pallarenda Conservation Park to the beautiful Shelly Beach, where we will spend the day removing any litter to restore the pristine environment that the area has to offer. The litter will then be sorted, recorded and entered into the AMDI (Australian Marine Debris Initiative) Database.

If you would like to help the team please contact us to volunteer!

Volunteers need to wear enclosed shoes, bring sun/rain protection, and plenty of drinking water (1 to 2 litres is recommended). We try to ensure that all events are free from single-use plastic, so bring along your reusable water bottle. All equipment and drinking water top-ups will be provided. Simple snacks will also be provided so let us know if you have any special dietary requirements.

Access to the beach is by 4×4 only and there are restricted vehicle numbers, so volunteers may need to carpool.

We would like to acknowledge the Wulgurukaba people, the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we will be meeting for this event.

Thank you to Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service for their support to make this event happen.

Please note this is a COVID Safe Event – we do require volunteers to register by emailing mathilde@tangaroablue.org. Please ensure that you check the latest advice from the QLD Government on COVID-19 and social distancing guidelinesand if you feel unwell – please don’t attend and stay at home – we’ll catch you on another event later in the year