Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 11 Sep 2020
- Time: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

ReefClean Monitoring – Shelly Cove, Townsville
What: Townsville – Shelly Cove Monitoring
Where: Meet at the old Quarantine Station in the Cape Pallarenda Conservation Park car park
Date & Time: Septemer 12, 2020 | 8-12pm
To register: johanna@tangaroablue.org.
We will walk a short 700m to Shelly Cove, taking in the morning air and great views of Magnetic Island and Cape Cleveland. Once arriving, we’ll lay four transects across 200m, later cleaning each area and auditing what was collected. After completion, we’ll sweep the remaining of the beach and record items for the 16-year-old Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI) database.
The event will take 4 hours to complete, so feel free to bring some snacks along as well as a reusable water bottle, we will supply extra drinking water.
We ask you please wear enclosed footwear, sun-smart clothing, hat and sunnies, and whatever else you may want to bring in your day pack. Tangaroa Blue will provide gloves, bags, and sunscreen.
If you’re interested and would like to register or would like to find out more information, please email johanna@tangaroablue.org.
All our events comply with COVID 19 restrictions current at the time of the event, so participation will depend on the travel restrictions in place at the time. Tangaroa Blue will be adhering to the latest advice from the QLD Government on COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines.
Please ensure that you check the latest QLD Government COVID requirements for gatherings and if you feel unwell – please don’t attend and stay at home – we’ll catch you on another event later in the year ????