Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 15 - 23 Dec 2019
  • Time: 5:00 pm - 2:00 am


QR Code


16 - 23 Dec 2019


8:00 am - 5:00 pm

ReefClean – Island Hop Clean-ups in, Far North, QLD

FNQ Island Hop Clean-up
The end of 2019 is coming fast and what better way to spend the week leading up to Christmas than island hopping off the coast of Cape York Peninsula to remove harmful marine debris from these remote and hard to get to locations.
Apply to join Tangaroa Blue Foundation and AusWaste on this ReefClean boat trip from December 16th to 23rdwhere we will hit 8 sites, collecting and recording marine debris items for the 15 year old Australian Marine Debris Initiative Database, so we can track items back to the source and focus on long-term solutions to this global issue!
Meeting: We will meet at the Cooktown boat ramp on December 16th at 1 pm for a 2pm departure. We will return to Cooktown the morning of the 23rd.
Travel: We will be booking a shuttle bus for travel from Cairns to Cooktown on the morning of December 16th, and a return shuttle from Cooktown to Cairns on the morning of the 23rd. More information will be provided once your registration is confirmed. Once we’re all aboard, two boats will be taking us to our first destination, arriving close to midnight where we’ll anchor for the night and wake up onsite to begin our adventure and mission to protect our oceans.
Accommodation: There will be shared toilets, showers and cabins with bunks available onboard, with food/drinks for the trip provided. Both boats are fitted with a full kitchen for us all to pitch in with cooking. All clean-up equipment (including gloves) and remote safety and emergency gear will be on vessel.
Who: If you’re interested get in quick as spaces are very limited! – to register for this event and to find out more please email events@tangaroablue.org
Fitness: Volunteers must be experienced on vessels with fitness levels that can endure a week’s work of picking up debris in the sun and salty air. Our team leaders will request an interview with volunteers who apply prior to confirming spots.
What you need to bring: Stinger suits are mandatory, reef walkers or runners that you don’t mind getting wet and sun protection – hats, long sleeve t-shirts, sunglasses.
Bonus: Our priority is marine debris collection, but being one of the hotter months of the year we will be jumping in the water at set locations for a swim / snorkel to cool down and to appreciate the marine realm we’ve all worked so hard to protect!
ReefClean is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and delivered by Tangaroa Blue Foundation.
The FNQ island clean-up is supported by AusWaste.