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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 19 Dec 2022
  • Time: 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm


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20 Dec 2022


11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Q&A Panel Ocean Plastic Products – are they credible or just greenwashing?

Over the last few years products claiming to be made from “ocean plastic” or “ocean bound plastic” have started to appear on supermarket shelves and online stores.
To most consumers, it appears on face value that a solution to the ocean plastic crisis has been found, but is it as good as it sounds or are we just getting greenwashed by marketing companies?
Join our Q&A panel discussion with experts from the plastics industry, environmental law and the NGO sector who unpack the marketing claims and establish what is myth and greenwashing and what is actually possible with plastics from our oceans.
Tuesday 20 December, 11:30am AEST (Qld time), via zoom for this discussion
There are limited spots available, click here to register
For any pre-event questions, please reach out via email to info@tangaroablue.org