Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 22 Aug 2020
- Time: 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Protecting Our Oceans from Home – Minimising Single-Use Plastics
Sunday 23rd August 10-11am
RSVP necessary
Please register via Eventbrite, as this event will be limited to 30 households so that it can remain interactive and fun! The event will run via Zoom (information on how to join on the Eventbrite page). https://protectingouroceansfromhome.eventbrite.com.au/
About the Event
According to the Australian Marine Debris Initiative, single-use plastics are a major form of pollution in rivers and ocean systems around Australia. Although this is a global problem, changing our individual habits and taking action on a local scale does make a difference.
Conducting an audit of your kitchen and bathroom is a great way to see just how much plastic your household is consuming in order to look at what can be changed.
This online workshop is for all ages and will include an introduction to Tangaroa Blue and the Australian Marine Debris Initiative, the impact of marine debris on our oceans and then a discussion on what single-use plastic items we can easily reduce in the home!
There will be optional activities associated with this workshop, including a Plastic Audit and a Plastic Monster Competition!
About the Presenter
Mathilde started volunteering for the Tangaroa Blue Foundation in 2014 whilst she was studying Zoology at James Cook University. She was shocked at the amount of rubbish picked up off the Australian coastline, and in 2016 decided to start living single-use plastic-free. Mathilde is now a Project Officer for Tangaroa Blue, where she coordinates clean-up and source reduction events for the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI) all around the country.
Tangaroa Blue Foundation is an Australia-wide not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the removal and prevention of marine debris: one of the major environmental issues worldwide.