Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 15 - 27 Sep 2024
- Time: All Day

Pennefather Beach Clean-Up, Western Cape York QLD
Nanum Wungthim Land & Sea Rangers invite you to attend the Pennefather Beach Clean-Up
When: 16th – 27th September, 2024
Register: Call Marietta on 0447 621 326
Event program: Yet to come
This event aims towards building stronger community networks and initiatives through the Indigenous Rangers Coastal Clean Up Project by providing awareness on the effects of ghostnets and marine debris on our beautiful coastal beaches.
Pennefather Coast stretches south 50km to Duyfken Point, some would say it is a task that’s unachievable. But with many hands makes light work!
And the reward… a TWIST!
A combination of camping, bonfires, fishing activities supported by ‘Shimano’ and Ranger activities as part of the Indigenous Rangers Coastal Clean-Up and Nestor Program.
Please be aware that with the closure of beach access due to the “Turtle Nesting Season” conditions will still apply, however, you will still get the opportunity to camp and experience all that the beautiful Western Cape has to offer.