

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 12 - 14 Feb 2021
  • Time: All Day


Lucinda Jetty, 2 Dungeness Rd, Lucinda, Queensland, 4850, Australia
QR Code


13 - 14 Feb 2021


All Day

Orpheus Island Day Trip

Thank you for everyone’s interest in this event – all spots are now full.
Are you looking for an opportunity to spend a day on Orpheus Island and contribute to reducing marine debris in Far North Queensland?
A small group will meet at the Lucinda Jetty at 8:00 am to load up gear and head over to the Island to do a clean-up and audit of debris from Picnic Bay as well as retrieve debris that was collected last year to bring back to the mainland for auditing.
Please note that the day will involve getting in and out of boats and a short but steep walk to get from the resort to Picnic Bay, therefore a reasonable level of fitness and agility is required.
You will need to wear sturdy enclosed shoes and sun-smart clothing. We also recommend packing a raincoat and change of clothes in case it is raining on the day.
A simple lunch will be provided, but bring your own reusable water bottle and any snacks you think you might need to keep you fuelled up during the day.
Tangaroa Blue Foundation would like to thank the Orpheus Island Lodge for their collaboration on this activity and the Morris Family Foundation for funding to make this event possible.
Thank you for everyone’s interest in this event – all spots are now full.
Email to register or formore information.