Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 10 - 11 Mar 2021
  • Time: 10:00 pm - 12:00 am


QR Code


11 Mar 2021


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Marine Stewardship Council’s Virtual Classroom at Taronga Zoo

Our friends at the Marine Stewardship Council invite you to fun Virtual Classroom Eventhosted atTaronga Zoo!
This event will celebrateSustainable Seafood Week Australia 2021and will be held onThursday 11th March 2021at2pm AEST/11am AWST.
The lesson will run for 40 minutes and feature:

Close-up meeting with a Taronga Seal
A fishery talks about bycatch reduction
Introduction to aquaculture
Visit a sustainable prawn farm
Q&A with a shark expert
Win tickets to Taronga Zoo with with our Kahoot Quiz challenge

With extra content available for download including:

Cooking lesson with ChefGuy Turland
Taronga Zoo Seal Show

Special guests include NatGeo presenter and ZookeeperHayden TurnerandEnvironmentalist and PresenterLaura Wells.
At this event we will launch a free classroom resource aligned with this year’s National Science Week theme ofFood: Different by Design.
We’d love you to join us, andpleaseshare this event with your networks!