Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 11 - 12 Aug 2024
- Time: 8:30 pm - 1:00 am

Marine Debris Workshop – NSW Port Stephens Libraries Science Week
Join Port Stephens libraries for an hour and a half long eye-opening event during “Species Survival” Science Week!
Update: **Booked Out**
Due to popular demand, all the tickets for this event have now been reserved. If you would like to stay up to date with future workshops and programs at the Libraries – sign up to the Library E-Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/f0368e89683a/port-stephens-library-enews
Due to popular demand, all the tickets for this event have now been reserved. If you would like to stay up to date with future workshops and programs at the Libraries – sign up to the Library E-Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/f0368e89683a/port-stephens-library-enews
Monday, 12th August
Raymond Terrace Library: 10:30am – 12pm – SOLD OUT (event full)
Tomaree Library: 1:30pm – 3pm – SOLD OUT (event full)
Get your free ticket: https://events.humanitix.com/marine-debris-workshop-tomaree
Get your free ticket: https://events.humanitix.com/marine-debris-workshop-tomaree
Dive into the world of marine debris with Tangaroa Blue Foundation and discover its profound impact on marine species and ecosystems. From plastic fragments to abandoned fishing gear, we’ll explore it all. Learn more about the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI), gain insight into the latest data and statistics, and stay up to date on governmental and organisations efforts to drive change. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to deepen your understanding and be a part of the solution for our oceans’ future!