Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 14 Oct 2020
- Time: 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Marine Debris Sorting Day – Gladstone
What: Marine Debris Sorting Day
When: Thursday 15th October | 9am-4pm
Where: Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre (CMERC) Alf O’Rourke Drive, Gladstone Marina (next door to Curtis Ferry Services)
To register please contact jodi@tangaroablue.org or call Ian on 0458 737 760
Join us in sorting and counting marine debris removed from Curtis and Facing Island clean-ups, and diverting as much waste as possible from landfill. All data collected on the day will be entered into the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI) database.
Collecting this information helps us identify what materials are ending up on our local beaches, where it is coming from and what we can put in place to prevent it from entering our oceans in the first place.
Normally this activity would be done as part of the clean-up, but this gives us a better opportunity to recycle / up-cycle any items to minimise the amount of material going to landfill.
Free smoko & lunch will be provided to volunteers
Please wear enclosed shoes and bring a refillable water bottle
All our events comply with COVID 19 restrictions current at the time of the event, so participation will depend on the travel restrictions in place at the time. Tangaroa Blue will be adhering to the latest advice from the QLD Government on COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines.
This event has limited places – we do require volunteers to register.Please ensure that you check the latest QLD Government COVID requirements for gatherings and if you feel unwell – please don’t attend and stay at home – we’ll catch you on another event later in the year ????
To express an interest in attending and join the mailing list for more information, send an email to johanna@tangaroablue.org.
This event is being funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust.