Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 22 Mar 2023
- Time: 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Let’s Strain the Drains Online Showcase
Join us for a community forum and online showcase of the success of Phase 2 of the Victorian Let’s Strain the Drains project.
The amount of litter washing up on Port Phillip Bay beaches is receiving more and more attention. The Let’s Strain the Drains project is designed to fill a crucial information gap around the specific land-based sources of plastic, litter and organic matter entering the stormwater systems and flowing into Port Phillip Bay.
This online community forum is an opportunity to present data collected from the stormwater drain trap audits across 4 different land-use types in 7 Local Government Areas, as well as an overview of the specific source reduction projects that were implemented in response.
Join Tangaroa Blue Foundation to learn more about the project and results including a panel Q&A discussion with all project partners.
The Let’s Strain the Drains – Phase 2 project is supported by the Recycling Victoria Communities Fund, delivered by Sustainability Victoria on behalf of the Victorian Government.
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