Local Time

  • Timezone: Asia/Singapore
  • Date: 15 Apr 2018
  • Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm


153 Bowden St, Meadowbank NSW 2114, Australia, 153 Bowden St, Meadowbank NSW 2114, Australia, NSW, Australia
QR Code


15 Apr 2018


1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Kathmandu Sydney Clean-up – NSW

Tangaroa Blue is teaming up with the Kathmandu Summit Club for a series of clean-up events across Australia in April 2018!
Help keep plastic and debris out of our oceans and waterways. Sign up to a conservation event in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane or Perth.
After the clean-up, we’ll categorise all rubbish collected and load the data into the Australian Marine Debris Initiative database. The Tangaroa Blue Foundation uses the data gathered to help communities create ‘source reduction plans’. This means that we can try to address the cause of marine debris at the source and try to limit the amount of rubbish created in the first place.
April 2018
Brisbane: 15 April 1-3pm,. Park near Riverstage – Meet in the park next to City Cycle station No. 20
Sydney: 15 April 1-3pm, Meadowbank Wharf, Bowden St, Meadowbank
Melbourne: 15 April 1-3pm, Dights Falls, Meeting at the Fishway
Perth: 15 April 1-3pm, Point Walter Reserve
Tangaroa Blue will provide all clean-up equipment (bags, gloves, sharps containers, first aid equipment and first aid officer), and sun screen.
Volunteers are asked to wear enclosed shoes that you don’t mind getting a bit muddy, wear sun smart clothing, hats and glasses, bring a reusable water bottle and a rain jacket.
To register visit the Summit Club Volunteering Page.