Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 07 Dec 2020
- Time: 7:30 pm - 11:30 pm

Googarra Beach Monitoring Clean-up – Tully Heads, QLD
What: Googarra Beach Monitoring Clean-up – Tully Heads, QLD
Where: Meet on Carron Esplanade, Tully Heads
When: 8th December 2020 | 10:30-14:30
Registration is essential: Please email johanna@tangaroablue.org
Join the ReefClean project and help prevent marine debris entering the Great Barrier Reef! During this monitoring event you’ll be helping clean our beautiful beaches whilst also gathering important information for the Australian Marine Debris Initiative.
No prior experience is necessary, our friendly team leaders will teach you everything that you need to know on the day.
Volunteers need to wear enclosed shoes, bring sun/rain protection, and plenty of drinking water (1 to 2 litres is recommended). We try to ensure that all events are free from single-use plastic, so bring along your reusable water bottle. All equipment and drinking water top-ups will be provided.
Registration is essential so get in early to secure your place by emailing johanna@tangaroablue.org
Please note this is a COVID Safe Event – we do require volunteers to register. Please ensure that you check the latest QLD Government COVID requirements – https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19. If you feel unwell, please don’t attend and stay at home, we’ll catch you at a future event.
ReefClean is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and delivered by Tangaroa Blue Foundation