Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 10 May 2019
- Time: 4:00 am - 6:00 am

Gladstone MangroveWatch – Community Forum & Training
Healthy mangroves = a healthy harbour. Interested in the health of mangroves in the Gladstone Region? Join us on Friday, May 10th & May 11th for a community information session and MangroveWatch training event at Boyne Island Environmental Education Centre. Learn about your local mangrove species, why they’re important, local threats and what you can do to help from mangrove expert Dr. Norm Duke, MangroveWatch Director, Jock Mackenzie & CVA’s Linda Fahle.
Friday evening is a community forum where you can learn more about Gladstone’s mangroves, their history and what the future holds. Saturday is a MangroveWatch training day where you can learn more about mangrove citizen-science, saltmarsh monitoring and how you can clean up marine debris from these important habitats. Come along to either or both!
All are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to Linda Fahle by email at gladstone@cva.org.au or phone: 0418 630 503
These events are sponsored by Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership through the Conservation Volunteers Australia ‘Taking the Trash our of Gladstone’s Tidal Wetlands’ Program which aims to identify and clean-up marine debris hot-spots in mangroves and saltmarsh habitats around Gladstone.