Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 20 - 29 Sep 2023
- Time: 6:00 pm - 3:00 am

Five Beaches Loop Clean-up, Cape York
Travel days: 21st – 22nd September
Clean-up Days: 23rd – 27th September
Travel days: 28th – 29th September
Register: info@tangaroablue.org
Five Beaches Loop is at the tip of the Cape York Peninsula and Australia, and will be our last Cape York clean-up camping trip for 2023!
Due to the proximity of the community of Bamaga, shopping facilities are a short trip away by car.
The camp area has both toilets and showers on site. We will set up our kitchen and prepare our meals together, so all food and equipment will be provided. All you need to bring is your sleeping gear (tents, blankets, pillow, mattress, etc).
We will meet and depart from Cairns early in the morning, travelling to Archer River where we will spend our first night on the road. We will make some side stops over the two-day drive before reaching our campsite which we will call home for the next five days.
Seats are limited so register early to secure your spot! Volunteers with their own 4WD vehicles are welcome to join our convoy to drive up to this event, or can meet us on site, just let us know. We will have another vehicle travelling locally from Bamaga, so please let us know if you would like to join for part or all of the clean-up event.
On this trip we will be travelling through, and working on the land and sea country of the Anggamuthi, Atambaya, Wuthathi, Yadhaykenu and Gudang peoples, and we pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
A huge thank you to Ocean Conservancy for funding this clean-up event.