Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 14 Jul 2019
- Time: 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Darwin Harbour Clean-up – NT
The tenth Darwin Harbour Clean-Up is being held at various locations around Darwin Harbour on Monday 15 July 2019. As well as removing rubbish from the waters and coastline of the Harbour, the clean-up aims to raise awareness about the effects of rubbish entering our waterways and will encourage everyone to ‘bin it or take it with you’. Clean-up teams will be operating onshore and on the water throughout the morning. Rubbish weighing and recording of data will occur in the afternoon at two sites: at the end of Fishermen’s Wharf on the rock wall side, and on Cox Peninsula at the Wagait Shire Council Community Centre. Teams of volunteers will be collecting rubbish along the foreshore at Rapid Creek and Coconut Grove. Members of the Wagait Beach community will be cleaning up around Cox Peninsula. Dinghies will be out on the water checking the mangroves and shoreline for rubbish from Fishermen’s Wharf to Elizabeth River. Surf Lifesaving NT will be providing back-up and emergency assistance on the water.
General start time is 8 am, but will vary by location. Please bring gloves, sunscreen and water bottles (re-usable preferably). Lunch will be provided on Fisherman’s Wharf and at Wagait Beach, with extra water available for refills.
For further information:
Phone 8948 3733
or email ranger.teamleader2@larrakia.com