Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 13 - 20 Jun 2019
  • Time: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Cocos Keeling Islands, Australia
QR Code


14 - 21 Jun 2019


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Cocos Keeling Islands – Indian Ocean Territories

Cocos (Keeling) Islands Friday 14- Friday 21 June 2019
This event is part of the 2019 WA MARINE DEBRIS PROJECT. Registration is now open and there are 12 volunteer places to fill.
Our volunteer team will spend a week on the island (Friday to Friday) and plan to spend four of the seven days working on average six hours a day collecting and auditing marine debris that is found at a number of island beaches with the support of the Tangaroa Blue Foundation. Besides the opportunity to be part of an interesting and fun volunteer crew, you can expect to explore the islands and experience island life and the diverse flora and fauna, enjoy local hospitality and culture and most importantly, contribute to solving the marine debris issue that is impacting on oceans and beaches worldwide.
Here’s a snapshot of the feedback from past volunteers…
• This experience has completely shifted who I am as an environmentalist and created passionate, positive energy for where I/we want to be in this world.
• A very enlightening experience to be confronted with the front line of the plastic and marine debris issue especially in such a stunning place as Cocos Island, the volunteers really gave me hope that together we may be able to work towards solutions.
• Being part of this inaugural expedition was a very worthwhile experience. It was so much more than just a beach clean-up, by sorting and collecting data and even origins of the marine debris the information will be able to be used to work towards source reduction on a wider scale. Being part of a team of volunteers who gave their time and money to make a difference was a great experience. It was hard work but fun and I learned a lot during the week. Having the local community involved and seeing the impact the clean-ups had on them and their attitudes to what they can do to make a difference was really heartening. I will definitely be back!
If you would like to apply for a position please click on the link below and also note:
• This is a self-funded project and volunteers will need to cover costs of airfares, accommodation, most meals, and incidentals. Some meals and transport on the island are covered and a range of accommodation options will be offered. Airfares from Perth to the Indian Ocean Territories average at $1100-$1300 return.
• A reasonable level of physical fitness is required, especially on Christmas Island where there are some longer walks through jungle terrain and hot humid conditions on both islands.
Ready to join the team?
Apply here to volunteer
Our coordinating team will assess applications and be in touch with you in early March 2019 to advise of the outcome of your application.
Best wishes
Rohan Swan and Sam Culbertson
Community Education Team
Indian Ocean Territories Marine Debris Project
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
Prime House, 8 Davidson Terrace, Joondalup Wa 6027
Locked Bag 10 Joondalup DC 6919
T: (08) 6364 6660
E: rohan.swan@kabc.wa.gov.au |www.kabc.wa.gov.au