Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 07 Nov 2018
- Time: 6:00 pm - 10:30 pm

City of Wyndham catch-up SRP Workshop – VIC
As a leading expert in addressing the marine debris issue, Tangaroa Blue Foundation coordinated Source Reduction Plan workshops in seven council regions around Port Phillip Bay in 2017.
Passionate workshop participants of the City of Wyndham conducted a cigarette butt audits at Campbells Cove carpark and installed infrastructure and anti-litter signage.
What is involved in this catch-up workshop?
– An update on the state, national and international litter/marine debris issue
– We will look at the project that was chosen and implemented, and what the outcomes and learnings were
– We will look at what is happening in the litter space right now: what has changed in the community and in government over the last year?
– We have an updated, interactive litter map, showing additional clean up efforts to date
– There will be time for networking and sharing a meal together
If participants are keen on doing more on the project, or something related, we can brainstorm it.
Everyone is welcome, both previous participants and new people. This workshop is FREE and catered. Registrations essential.
This project is funded by the Port Phillip Bay Fund, with support from Western Region Environment Centre.