Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 03 - 12 Aug 2018
  • Time: 5:30 pm - 3:00 am


Portland Road, Lockhart QLD 4871, Australia, Portland Road, Lockhart QLD 4871, Australia, QLD, Australia
QR Code


04 - 12 Aug 2018


7:30 am - 5:00 pm

Chilli Beach – Cape York – QLD

What a dream 7-km stretch of white tropical beach fringed with coconut palms and impressive sand dunes! Unfortunately it is also another hotspot for marine debris. For five days we will be collecting and sorting the rubbish from this paradise like beach. Due to the proximity of the Aboriginal community of Lockhart River, basic shopping facilities are a relatively short trip away by car. We will stay at a basic bush camping area where we set up our kitchen and prepare our meals together. Kitchen equipment will be provided, but you will need to bring your own sleeping gear.
We will travel from Cairns and Port Douglas over two days to the event and back. Seats are limited so register early to secure your spot!
Travel Cairns – Chilli Beach: 4/8/18 – 5/8/18
Clean-up: 6/8/18 – 10/8/18
Travel Chilli Beach – Cairns: 11/8/18 – 12/8/18
Volunteers with their own 4WD vehicles are welcome to join our convey to drive up to this event, or can meet us up at the site for a part of the clean-up or the whole event.
For more information and to register please contact info@tangaroablue.org
This event is being funded through the Australian Government’s Improving Your Local Parks and Environment Grant.