Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 06 Apr 2018
- Time: 6:00 pm - 11:30 pm

Cape Kimberley Clean-Up – QLD
Our second quarterly clean-up for 2018 at Cape Kimberley on the northern side of the Daintree River in beautiful Far North QLD will be held on April 7th 2018.
We’ll be meeting at the Cape Kimberley beach access at 8.30am and work through till 1.30pm.
Snacks are included, and we’ll also provide extra drinking water, all clean-up equipment and sun screen.
Volunteers are asked to wear enclosed shoes, wear sun smart clothing, hats and glasses, bring a reusable water bottle.
If you need a ferry pass to cross the Daintree River, please contact info@tangaroablue.org.
There will also be carpooling options from Cairns and Port Douglas, so just let us know if you need a lift.
This event is supported by Tangaroa Blue Foundation, Shapes in the Sand and the Douglas Shire Council.