Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 05 Mar 2021
- Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Broadbeach Clean-up + Free cacao – Gold Coast, QLD
What:Beach Clean-up + Free cacao
Where: Broadbeach, Gold Coast, QLD (meet in Kurrawa Park, beach entrance next to Lorraine Stumm Palmer Park)
When:Saturday 6th March, 2020 | 9-11am
To Register or for further information:Please email jay@jayhoad.com & mathilde@tangaroablue.org
A huge family event, presented by Tribal Moon Cacao & the Tangaroa Blue Foundation. Come and bring your gloves and let’s make difference. Free ceremonial grade cacao for all + special kids cacao recipe.
MEET: 9am – Kurrawa Park, beach entrance next to Lorraine Stumm Palmer Park.
CACAO & SOUND: 9:10AM – Cacao Ceremony & Sound Activation with international acclaimed musician Jay Hoad.
9.30am to 11am – WE CLEAN UP THE BEACH!!
All rubbish found will be entered into the Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI) Database so that we can use the information to stop it at the source.
Gloves, recyclable bags and all clean up equipment provided. Please bring a recyclable water bottle full of for drinking water.
Join us for a clean-up along Broadbeach, together we can make a difference. See you there and please spread the word!
This event will be run by Tribal Moon Cacao with the help of the Tangaroa Blue Foundation. Please note that as this event is not directly organised by Tangaroa Blue, any changes in dates and times are out of our control and we ask that you use the contact information provided above to keep in touch with the organisers, Tribal Moon Cacao, directly.