

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 17 - 18 Feb 2022
  • Time: 5:30 pm - 1:00 am


3 Redpath St, North Ward QLD 4810, Australia, 3 Redpath Street, North Ward, QLD, 4810, Australia
QR Code


18 Feb 2022


8:30 am - 4:00 pm

AUSMAP Microplastic Training Workshop

Interested in learning more about microplastics and their impact on us and the environment?

Participate in this full-day Practical Training Course which will focus on identifying microplastics and finding effective solutions.
You must be fully vaccinated to participate in this event.
About The Training
Learn about AUSMAP and participate in a full day training session on the field sampling methodology for collecting, sorting, and identifying microplastics.
Practical accreditation will take place in the afternoon session, an essential part of the official AUSMAP program.
This training workshop is part of ReefClean, a five-year program focused on the removal and prevention of marine debris impacting the Great Barrier Reef.
When:Friday, 18 Februaryat 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Expert:Dr. Michelle Blewitt (Program Director)
This is training is perfect for teachers, educators, members of council, sustainability officers, retirees, community members, and more!
This workshop is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust with support from Tangaroa Blue Foundation.
Morning tea provided, please BYO sustainable lunch on the day.

Events may be photographed for social media purposes.

About the AUSMAP Program
It’s hard to solve a problem you can’t see.Until recently microplastic pollution presentedscientists with a crisis that wasinvisible to the naked eye. Now we have AUSMAP – the Australian Microplastic Assessment Project.
AUSMAP is a global first, nationwide citizen science that engages and educates the community to collect scientifically reliable data on microplastics from shorelines across the country – from coasts to catchments – to identify litter hotspots and assist in source reduction.
AUSMAP is a powerful management tool that forms the basis to develop & implement regional litter prevention strategies for stakeholders to use, & act on.
We need to know how much is out there before we figure outwhat to do with it. And we need large numbers of Australians to engage with behaviour change so we can stopany more plastic from entering our waterways and design effective mitigation strategies.
That’s why we need you in our AUSMAP collaborative citizen science project!