Dear 3206 Beach Patrollers,
Its time for us to hit the sand and give our shore line a nice Spring Clean!
Please join the action at 9am on Saturday Dec 3 starting at either Mc Gregor St or Victoria Ave which ever suits you best. From either point we will head towards the Sandbar Cafe where we will meet for coffee at approx 10am and let the kids run riot , bare foot, on a nice clean beach!
The “clean beach movement” is building big time with local council bolstering their cleaning efforts, trial storm water litter traps now installed and The CoPP are also about to introduce a brand new long term plan for Port Phillip Foreshore Management.

In September we held five catch-up Source Reduction Plan workshops in the Cities of Melbourne, Hobsons Bay, Port Phillip Bayside and Kingston, with the support of the Port Phillip Bay Fund and local councils. Registrations are now open for previous and new participants to join the next two free workshops to be held in early November in the Cities of Wyndham and Greater Geelong.
SRPW 2Last year we assisted councils, community members, government agencies and a variety of environmental organisations with developing their first litter source reduction plans. After the workshops, the networks implemented their projects in their local communities, resulting in a variety of litter items traced back and mitigated at the source, for example:
- City of Port Phillip participants engaged with local businesses and helped them switch from plastic to paper straws.
- City of Bayside participants chose to tackle cigarette butt litter by installing beautiful artwork in butt litter hotspots, reminding smokers to ‘butt it, bin it’.
The catch-up workshops are a chance to get together again to celebrate the successes and evaluate the learnings of the implemented source reduction plans, to get updates on the exciting new changes in the state and national litter landscape of Australia, and to meet new people who care about their local patch.
If you’re in Victoria, join us by registering for any of the workshops here.