AMDI Privacy Policy
This privacy policy describes the data we collect from you, and how we use and protect the data. We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding data we collect about you, and this can be done by emailing Tangaroa Blue Foundation uses the AMDI app to collect clean-up data submitted by individuals and organisations around Australia. The app transmits the data to our central AMDI Database using HTTPS protocol.
Information you provide to us.
We request your username, email address and optional organisation name to become a registered user. When submitting clean-up data, you may, with each submission, optionally provide us with your telephone number. Below we refer to these as your personal data. Each clean-up submission also requests an organisation name if an organisation is conducting the clean-up event.
Photos and geolocation
We ask your permission to access your device camera and photos to upload images of marine debris items. We also ask permission to use your device location services to allow the recording of the location of your clean-up activities. Please note that if you inadvertently use the auto locator function while collating your data at home your home location will be marked on the locator map but will be removed once the location is amended in our vetting process.
How we use your data
Your personal data is used to identify you as the registered user and the provider of all clean-up data you submit. We may also use it to add you as a subscriber to our quarterly emailed newsletter. You may choose to provide your phone number when submitting data and this is solely used to contact you when there is a query regarding your submitted data.
Data sharing
We may share your personal data internally with staff members carrying out day to day vetting, processing and other data work.
Each clean-up submission also requests an organisation name if an organisation is conducting the clean-up event. If you are submitting on behalf of an organisation, the organisation is recognised as the data provider, and we use this organisation name to identify it with the data being submitted on its behalf. The organisation name provided in clean-up submissions is also provided to third party data users as part of our policy to ensure data provider organisations are acknowledged in public reports. Third party data users requesting clean-up data are required to sign a Data Use Agreement and, in some cases, to pay a fee. We do not usually provide your personal details to third party data users. In those cases where researchers or government agencies need to discuss marine debris finds or related information directly with a data provider, we will first contact you for permission and ask you how you want to connect with them.