Local Time
- Timezone: Asia/Singapore
- Date: 26 Oct 2019
- Time: 9:00 am - 9:30 pm

Trash Bags on Tour – Phillip Island, Vic
Join Trash Bags on Tour for an educational day outdoors on Phillip Island!
Phillip Island is most famous for its colony of penguins that return home nightly to the safety of their burrows. You’ll have the opportunity to see this event along with taking part in a beach clean-up, hear a talk on reducing your personal impact, and meander with koalas at the Koala Reserve.
Cost: $99 per adult and $85 per child (4-13yrs). Please contact kathryn@trashbagsontour.com should you wish to purchase a child ticket.
Inclusions: Transportation from Melbourne city centre, informative guide, light lunch, zero waste talk, entrance to the Koala Reserve, educational talk from Phillip Island Nature Parks, Antarctic Journey entry ticket, Turn the Tide beach clean-up program, beach cleaning supplies, general entry to Penguin Parade, carbon emissions offset through Green Fleet.
Depart: Immigration Museum (Crn Flinders and Market st) at 11 am, please arrive 10 minutes prior to departure time.
Return to Melbourne: Around 11:30pm
What to bring: drinking water, clothes you don’t mind getting a little dirty in, closed-toe shoes, keep cup for those takeaway coffees.
We believe that beach clean-ups are great, however, if all we ever do is clean, that’s all we’ll ever do. Hence, we include an invaluable zero-waste talk focusing on how we can reduce our own personal impact. The data collected from our beach clean-up will be submitted into the Australian Marine Data Initiative with Tangaro Blue, which works toward change at a Government level through source reduction. We believe these events are wholesome and send a great message to attendees and onlookers to look after our earth and to start the process of thinking what our impact is and how we can be part of the solution.
For more information, contact kathryn@trashbagsontour.com. Register on Eventbrite.